The Internet changes, web design changes, everything changes – what was perfectly normal just a couple of years ago is out of the question in 2015. If you want your small business to work – especially if you’ve just started and want to get it off the ground – you should keep up with and even ahead of times. Here’s a few tips on how to do it.

1.      Responsive Design

The times when the majority of your visitors used PCs running Windows with Internet Explorer are long gone. Today, one has to take into account smartphones, tablets, phablets and whatnot using different operating systems and browsers; which means that responsive design is an absolute must. According to MagicDust, a top-notch Sydney web design studio, only 11% of top Alexa websites don’t have responsive design.

2.      Animations

For almost as long as the Internet existed most web designers have been weeping tears of blood on seeing animations on websites. Now, however, it seems that they are the next big thing – mostly because there are more ways to make them stylish and turn them into organic parts of overall design.

3.      Big Elements

Some web designers may find it weird and frightening for a main page to consist of just a couple of words overlaid on an image or, weirder yet, a video. Yet it is exactly the trend right now – all cool kids are doing it these days. This approach makes your website recognizable, immediately captures visitor’s full attention and allows you to channel this attention in the necessary direction.

4.      Ghost Buttons

Traditional Call to Action buttons are nothing less than obnoxious, and some visitors will ignore them just to spite the designer. What comes in their place are ghost buttons – clean, simple and seamlessly blending with the background. Don’t be fooled by their inconspicuous appearance – when used correctly, they generate no fewer clicks but much less annoyance.

5.      Scrolling rather than Clicking

It is one of the influences of the growing domination of mobile throughout the market – with the ubiquity of touchscreens websites are getting more adapted to long scrolls, and clicking for getting new information is getting less intuitive. As a result – each particular page has more content and to get new information you tend to scroll a page vertically rather than open a new one.

Small businesses are probably more dependent on web design than their big counterparts – having a good website for them is the best and cheapest way to make a lasting impression – don’t miss it.