Posts in category TIPS


Preventing Identity Theft

How to prevent identity theft.If you think document shredding is enough measure taken to protect yourself from identity theft then you are absolutely wrong, because thieves are smarter and have found new ways to rip you. According to the recent data released by the Federal Trade Commission, 9 million Americans have fallen prey to identity thieves in the year 2010. So, it is better you start taking apt measures if you do not want to fall victim too. Here is how you can protect yourself against identity thieves and their frauds.

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5 Top Tips to Protect your Gadgets

How to protect your gadgets.Electronic equipments are popular throughout the world these days, as we are becoming more and more dependent on these gadgets for communication, entertainment, information etc and most of the things we do in a day involve their necessity for the task completion. Everything comes with a price and convenience that these gadgets provide us comes with the price of fragility. For these gadgets to work properly they need to be taken care of very well if we want them to work for a long time and save us from their costly damage.

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Tips for Better Smartphone pictures

smart phone camera tips.There are a lot of photo enthusiasts online who dismiss a photo right away when they learn that it was clicked using a Smartphone. It is very frustrating that your photo gets rejected and on top of that you receive a comment saying “click with a real camera”. It is nice to click with a good quality camera but it is not available all the time and so use your smart phone camera. After all a good photo is a good photo, irrespective of what gear you use to click it. Camera smart phones have strengths and weaknesses and when you highlight the good and downplay the bad you can click great pictures with your smart phone camera as well and silence those who say no to camera phone clicked pictures.

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Cell phone insurance

why you should not opt for a cell phone insurance.These days it is next to impossible to see people without using their phone even while on the road. With the new technology and innovation of mobile phones, smart phones have become ubiquitous. As the technology and features are advancing so is their price tag. A hug amount of money is paid to the phone carrier. For example, a iPhone or an Android smart phone will cost you only $200 but you will have to pay $600 for it if you commit to a 2 year contract with the carrier.lose it or break it.

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Cell phones emergency tips

Emergency tips for mobile phones.Cell phones are our part of a life. They have revolutionized the way we live by creating a mobile communication means for us. We can now carry them wherever we go and make calls at any place be it a desert, airplane anywhere. Emergencies can easily be dealt with a cell phone because you can contact the services for emergencies even when you are away from your landline. There are many things, you would do for increasing the mobile phone use in emergency.

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Cell phone cheapskate tips

Cell phone tips.Cell phone are those tools that we use day in and day out, carry it with ourselves like our shadow. We use it for calling, texting, surfing the web, for personal and business purposes. We are a lot dependent on the tech gadgets. The smart phones are making us get more addicted to them. This is one reason why there is a new model phone releasing in to the market every couple of months. The mobile manufacturing companies are taking the users addiction to their advantage and are hiking the prices of the mobile phones. Based on the features of the phone and the phone plan we select while purchasing the phone the cost is decided. If you are not careful of the choices you make you will end with a large bill at the month end.

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Tips for safe shopping online

Online shopping safety tips.Gone are the days when you hire a taxi or drive your own car through busy traffic to go to the mall and shop to your heart’s content. It is the era of shopping online without the hassles of carrying fully loaded shopping bags from mall to home. You can practically buy anything online these days ranging from a phone battery to your kids diaper, seems funny but true. However, like every good thing that has a twist, online shopping to has some disadvantages. But you can avoid all of those and enjoy shopping if you follow some simple things. Here are some tips for your for safe online shopping.

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3 Tech Resolutions you need to make this year

New year is not for just making resolutions like you will exercise every day, eat healthy, make some time for family etc. You need to make some tech related resolutions too to be better in this tech savvy world. Add some simple tech resolution to your list of this year’s resolution list. Good tech practice will serve you well for the rest of the year. Here are some resolutions you need to make.

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Mobile phone batteries dangerous effects

Dangers of phone battery.When battery is in your mobile it is safe and poses no dangers, but it can cause a great deal of hazards. Most of the mobile phones come with a Lithium ion batteries, these are small batteries with large amounts of energy. There are many reports filed regarding cell phone battery fires which poses risks of burns, bacteria and also overheating. Here are some dangerous effects of mobile batteries.

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5 Tips for Becoming A Successful Female Tech Entrepreneur

Tips for successful tech entrepreuneurship.Gone, are those days when man, used to be the breadwinner of the family, and the wife used to sit home and take care of the kids. Women now are working head to head with the man and the field of technology is no exception to the competition. Being a entrepreneur requires achieving milestones, risk taking and to allow room for growth and nothing to do with being a female or a male.

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