Are you searching for ways to earn money online? Well, you must have found so many tips. But many of them are a scam. There are some sites online through which you can earn some decent money but still it is not considered as an alternate money earning method.

It is very advantageous to use internet in these cases. There are various options available for users on the internet to make a survey and earn some bucks.

Google Docs

The search giant Google has a generator Google docs. We can bulid surveys using these docs and without spending any money and using just a little effort and time you can earn a lot of money. To do so you can go to Google docs and form a new document and then small steps that are marked by adding responses to every row. At the ned a code is generated and we need to embed it in a web page so that everybody can react to it.

The advantage with this is, it is easy  and the results can be tracked.


Social networking sites are ideal places for surveys. As there are many people who use these sites you can get good response. There is a tool called “Poll” in Facebook which is free and has 3 steps that are creating the title and its description, Questions and answers, network sharing.


This still does not have a utility for surveys but it is helpful in exchange of info among the members. Some begin to use it by writing a post on the stream and ass probable answers in the comments section so that everybody makes a +1 response with which you disagree. It might be rudimentary but is effective.


One of the best places for making a quick poll is Micro blogging Network. There are various options if you would like to use Twitter as the platform. In the Pollowers website you can enter into your Twitter account. And once you do so you can create a survey with questions and answers and send it to Twitter. The best thing about this is it has a function for which users can return back to share the survey with their followers and so the data will increase.


Others like Twtpoll and Quipoll also can be earned money through. Twtpoll was first made for Twitter but they can be extended to Facebook and Gmail contacts too. Quipoll is specific type of survey where there are only two answers. It xan be shared on Twitter and Facebook analysis.

It is evident that Online survey creation is of many types and the employment system is also of different types. So, if you need to make a poll then Internet has the best space for it especially the polls that are connected with social networking sites. by tech blog buzz