Every one of us might have experienced those agonizing moments when our cell phone runs out of battery and we in anger and frustration we shout when are the wireless phones will embrace the modern life. Also situations often occur where it is inconvenient to carry a regular battery charger for all the electronic device. To solve this issue is the wireless charging of your electronic devices. This technology allows many devices to be charged without having many wires attached. Another advantage with wireless charger is that it is convenient to carry and any device can be charged with it.

Wireless charging mechanism

.The main power in these devices is electromagnetic induction, this creates a magnetic field which do not leave the charger unlike the wired chargers. The magnetic field flows parallel to the surface of the charger, and the magnetic forces are spread across the whole device. Because of this magnetic field spread a thin receiver coil is created in the charger and therefore there will be two coils instead of one. There will be a small gap between the two coils because of which an electric transformer is created and therefore there will be no necessity for an outlet for obtaining power.

Wireless technology could help mobile devices become more efficient and sustainable. The wireless power reduces the demand for power cables, increasing the durability of the gadgets.

Wireless charging brings a difference in the world

Wireless charging can change the world in many ways as follows:

  • You will not have to carry the charger everywhere you go especially when you are travelling. You can just install a power transmitter under the surface of a table and place the  electronic device you want to charge on it and it will start charging automatically. Multiple devices can be charged at the same time.
  • Wireless charging might someday be available like the free Wi-Fi hot spots at hotels, airports, malls etc.
  • Power cord in the mobile phone equipment has the highest failure rate, and so a power cord free phone can be very beneficial for the mobile manufacturers as well as the consumers.
  • Disposal of power cords will be eliminated which is a major source of e-waste.
  • With wireless charging the eco friendly rechargeable batteries will win against the disposable batteries thus protecting the environment.
  • It is not just your electronic devices that can be wirelessly charged but also your electric car. Electric cars are increasing in number these days but one problem that these electric car owners face is the plugging them to a power source. Wireless charging can reduce their worries. A magnetic resonant disk is placed on the ground and one in the car’s undercarriage, then park your electric car over the disk. Wireless charging an electric car is much easier than pumping gas.

Advantages and disadvantages of wireless charging

Wireless battery charging can be done without any need for direct connection and power can be transferred to portable devices like mobile phones. Mp3 players etc.

Wireless battery charging has many advantages in respect to convenience as all the users needs to do to charge their devices is placing them on a mat that allows wireless charging. Many companies are looking forward to adapt this technology to provide competitive edge to their products in the market.

The following are the advantages of wireless battery charging


  • Electronics can be charged on a wireless charger instead of carrying cumbersome wired chargers for each and every device you use.
  • Unlike traditional  chargers, wireless chargers can be placed near water too so they are safe.
  • Batteries will not be over charged as  most of the wireless chargers can sense the amount of power each electronic device needs.
  • These wireless chargers are very convenient as it just needs the electronic devices to be placed on the charging mat.
  • Users can get rid of issues with connector wear as there will be no physical connections and so users can experience the reduced wear of plugs and sockets.
  • Wireless chargers are dust resilient and so they can be operated even in the contaminated environment.
  • These wireless chargers have good use in medical environments as they do not have any connectors so they do not harbor any bacteria. So these wireless chargers can be a solution for charging medical equipment while still maintaining their sterility.
  • Wireless charging makes gadgets more durable.
  • It eliminates the need for throwing the batteries away.


  • One prime disadvantage is that wireless chargers are very costly.
  • For getting most out of wireless charging devices, it is important to get the latest wireless chargers and so the user needs to invest a lot of money on the latest charger as the old ones are slow at charging.
  • Wireless chargers generate more heat, which could be dangerous.
  • The system needs a more complicated system for power transfer across wireless interface.
  • The efficiency is reduced as there a resistive losses on the coil, stray coupling etc.

Wireless charging has now become mainstream technology and more number of tech companies are looking to adapt this technology, with its applications and benefits being recognized, wireless charging is becoming a mainstream application. Let us hope this wireless charging becomes more widespread.