Telephone etiquette is very important when you call a woman who you need to impress. Men can avoid awkward conversation if only they think before they dial. Here are some tips to give you a polished telephone personality to make that first killer Impression.

golden phone

1. Make short conversation

Whatever your profession is you need to give your lady an impression that you lead full active life. So, keep the conversation brief that creates an impression that you are busy. Never talk too much as this creates a bad impression and you might not get a call back.

2. Leave an impression when you end the call

When you end the call always leave on a high note. This will cause her to remember what you said. So, when you are planning to end the call leave a positive note like a funny joke or a short story. When the conversation ends well you can expect another one soon.

3. Have a purpose to call

Only call the lady when you have a purpose. Never call her to just chit chat. When you call with a purpose you can avoid the awkward silence that occurs because you do not know what to speak when you call for no purpose. So, be prepared beforehand to avoid awkwardness and have a cool conversation.

4. Be optimistic

Women are said to be good listeners, but do not take this as your advantage and dump all your emotional baggage on them. It is ok to be sensitive so just share your feelings with the lady but do not dump everything on her. She might not stick around if you are gloomy and filled with negativity. Keep all the conversations positive and to a minimum.

5. Leave a message only on the second call

Never leave a message for the lady right after you make the first call as it leaves an impression you are too desperate to talk to her. If your first call is not answered hang up and do not leave a message. Try again and if you fail then leave a message and do not call again until you receive the call. But if you do not receive the call even after two times then understand she is not interested in you.

6. Call at the right time

Always call at leisure times. Never call during work time, as it might disturb her work and also creates the impression that you are desperate to talk to her and she might not talk properly to you as she might be among her co-workers. If you have plans of spending time with her for the weekend then ask her in the middle of week itself so that you do not have to rush into things at the last time.

7. Leave Coherent messages

Leave short, coherent messages. Never fill her voice mail with rambling messages. Remember your message can be played back and analyzed so keep your tone and choice words normal. So, to avoid disasters keep the message brief. Give your name and get to the point what you want to say and leave your contact number.

So, these are the Golden rules you need to follow to maintain a phone conversation with a lady. Create an impression.

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