The Power of Brand Recognition
One of the biggest mistakes modern companies make in marketing their services and products and communicating with potential customers is failing to establish one solid, cohesive brand. While it can be fun to play with different colors, logos, voices, and tones, doing so often has the opposite effect of what you might think. Rather than exciting your customers, you’re likely confusing them, and there are simply too many businesses out there in this day and age to not do everything humanly possible to set yours apart from the crowd.
Careful, well thought-out branding efforts increase consumer trust in your business. Not only does using cohesive marketing throughout all of your ad mediums, marketing materials, and social media marketing efforts make your customers more likely to remember you, but doing so can also help boost your business’s appearance in search rankings and help you distinguish your business from similar ones based on trust and reliability. In other words, establishing and cultivating a strong brand ultimately leads to better profit margins, less market vulnerability, and increased effectiveness of ad mediums and other marketing efforts and materials.
The infographic below outlines the importance of brand recognition in today’s modern marketplace, and offers a number of key tips as to how to enhance your business’s branding, and in doing so, increase its profits. From how to better establish your brand to how to gauge the effectiveness of your branding efforts, it’s a must-read for any modern business owner looking to take their brand to the next level.
Click here for the full-sized image.
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