Posts tagged identity theft


Risk Factors of Identity theft and simple iPad security settings to keep data suckers at bay

identity theft risks.The currency of modern economy is “information” and it is not any similar to the times of revolution of industries, information does not close at dinnertime and so the present trend is hyper mobile computing through tablets and smart phones which keep the users connected to the web around the clock and paves the way for limitless data transfusion. It has become an addiction these days because even the employers encourage it as work can be done even after working hours and from any place and at anytime.

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Preventing Identity Theft

How to prevent identity theft.If you think document shredding is enough measure taken to protect yourself from identity theft then you are absolutely wrong, because thieves are smarter and have found new ways to rip you. According to the recent data released by the Federal Trade Commission, 9 million Americans have fallen prey to identity thieves in the year 2010. So, it is better you start taking apt measures if you do not want to fall victim too. Here is how you can protect yourself against identity thieves and their frauds.

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