You have heard or read it a million times – ‘Content is King’. This adage or quote has been associated with the likes of Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch and Viacom’s Sumner Redstone too. It has to mean something is it not? Indubitably, content is king for every online business worth its salt and here are some of the most important reasons why.
Direct impact on search engine optimization
Healthy SEO practices hinge on healthy content. Even with all the changes in algorithms that search engines can make from time to time – your website has a better chance at greater page ranks if it has fabulous content which is:
- Unique and creative.
- Original
- Updated from time to time.
- Capable of positioning your business as an industry expert.
Talk with your customer
Traditional marketing is all about talking ‘at’ your customer whereas content is talking ‘with’ your customer. Great content can be a driving force to encourage fabulous conversations about your brand. People will interact with your business and products in multiple ways:
- Visiting your website.
- Sharing your content.
- Talking about it on social media and so on.
Content is one of the ways in which people find you in a crowded online world. With an ever-burgeoning number of smart devices and access to the internet, people will turn to search engines to find what they are looking for and when they do visit your website, it is only your content that will set you apart from the competition. In today’s digital age and information economy, you have to use content to help people find you.
It talks about value
Content is the one thing that you can control and get it word perfect when you publish it on your website or on your official social media pages. Using smart strategies and juggling with different kinds of content will give you plenty of opportunities to talk about the value that your business or brand offers to consumers. To portray how useful you are to your customers – that is key to successful business growth and content can help you with it.
Lead generation
Content can also help with generating new sales and new leads and bring in potential customers. It is a good idea to refrain from too much of ‘sales pitch’ type of content. Information, ‘how to’ content and even videos and links to other pieces of information can help a customer interact in a more meaningful manner with your brand. This will also help him or her look at your website and the products that you have to offer. Word of mouth referrals also increase with great content.
Sharing information
Marketing in today’s world is all about sharing relevant information and knowledge. Content helps you achieve this goal in the easiest possible manner. Educating the customer or giving him or her new information that will make life easier is doable with content. When business experts talk about new-age marketing, they also talk about the huge role that content plays in the same.