As charity begins at home, outsourcing too, begins at homes. We have all become used to outsourcing in our daily lives because whenever we need any specialized service, we reach out to the appropriate service provider. The plumber is the go-to man when there is a leaking pipeline, and the dry-cleaning shop helps us with cleaning stained clothes just as we hire a nanny for babysitting. Therefore, it is no wonder that companies that are battling competition so intensely are always keen to have access to readymade resources that could help them take advantage. This is particularly true for software development that entails a lengthy process and requires specialized people. The underlying philosophy of outsourcing is to achieve an efficient distribution of assets and quickly broaden the portfolio. It helps to complement the competencies in the core business area and proves to be a resource-saving measure.
Embarking on an Outsourcing Insight journey is much more than an exercise in just saving resources because when done correctly it can catapult your business to great heights. To know how your business can chart its way to growth and prosperity by outsourcing the activity of software development, keep reading the article.
Speed up the time to reach the market
One way of beating the competition is to reach the market way ahead of your competitors. The faster you can show up in the market more edge you attain in competing. The time you take to reach the market has a huge impact on the business prospects. While the sales and marketing people are keen to race to the market, the software support required for it often becomes a bottleneck. Trying to accomplish the software development in-house often puts unwanted pressure on the programmers and developers that aggravates the problem with no solution in sight. To keep away from the stalemate, hiring outside resources and entrusting them with the job of software development ensures that you have the best resources at your disposal. The outsourcing company collaborates with your marketing team and ensures timely completion.
Tailor-made software for specific market
When you outsource any software development project, you are not only getting ready access to expert coders but also be sure of developing the software according to the market needs. This becomes possible because many outsourcing companies have experts with adequate knowledge about the market that helps them to develop products with a better understanding of the user’s perspective. As the outsourcing company has the market specific expertise, you save the cost of researching the market but get access to the software specifically developed for and oriented towards the end users. Outsourcing gives the opportunity of maintaining a steady pipeline of products that comes handy when you think of augmenting the portfolio for gaining competitive advantage.
Staying faithful to core expertise
Every company has something unique that relates to its core expertise and contributes to its success. Whether it is some business model, specialized service or distinct technology, it is something that differentiates the company from its competitors. If software development that comprises of coding does not figure in the list of your core competence, pursuing it with in-house resources would simply be a waste of time. Instead, it would be better to outsource the non-core activity and direct the in-house resources to perform activities related to the core expertise that would give better returns. The idea is to allocate resources that generate the highest value without wasting time to pursue alien activities.
Fulfill customer expectations
By outsourcing software development, you should be able to meet customer expectations better as you are hiring the most suitable resource that can deliver the quality that customers want. The trick lies in selecting the right outsourcing company that would be capable of delivering the desired quality of the product. The outsourcing company can also undertake market research to understand the customer needs in a better way so that they can deliver products that would make customers happy as they are committed to treating your customers as their own.
Cost saving
In the world of software development, it is a proven fact that outsourcing saves cost. Even if you want to achieve the best quality through outsourcing, then also you will save cost as compared to doing it on your own. The cost saving comes from two areas – the hiring charges of resources are less when you opt for offshore outsourcing especially in third world countries as compared to what you would have paid in Europe or US. Moreover, you save the investment for creating the necessary infrastructure for software development together with the cost of acquiring licenses and tools for development.
As the demand for sharing information between various applications, computer systems, and databases keep increasing rapidly, companies are now turning more and more towards outsourcing that opens the gateway for collaboration and interoperability.