What would you do if you could connect with other co-founders and use your skills as a coder or developer? Well, there is a new startup that has built that platform just for you! eMINDSCLUB connects you with co-founders looking for the skills you possess.
With eMINDSCLUB you can use your skills and have access to co-founders all over the world. Why try to spend all the time working to find a co-founder when the platform allows you to easily work with them. One of the coolest features of the platform is that if you really believe in the co-founder and the concept you’re creating, you can exchange your skills for equity with the business you’re working on.
I had the chance to sit down and chat with the founder of eMINDSCLUB, Dominic Pratt on why he started the platform.
It’s not every day you meet an entrepreneur with a unique idea. I had to know where Dominic’s entrepreneurial spirit came from.
Q: Where’d your entrepreneurial spirit come from?
A: I’ve always believed in myself and knew that my future, and everyone’s future,
can be a lot brighter- if you are willing to take a chance on yourself. What drives
me the most is knowing what is possible in life and the challenge of constantly
elevating myself to achieve more and more.
With such a revolutionary idea, I needed to know why he decided to start the platform.
Q: Why’d you decide to start eMINDSCLUB?
A: They say by being in the right place at the right time great things can happen-
great examples of this are Apple and Facebook. For the majority of us – who
don’t have access to Silicon Valley or Ivy League schools- there has never been
the right place. eMINDSCLUB is bridging this gap and is fostering the home of
“The World’s Next Entrepreneurs”.
Whether you’re a coder or developer, I wanted to know how the platform would help you connect with co-founders.
Q: How is eMINDSCLUB going to help coders and developers?
A: What we are doing is great- we are creating a community of top entrepreneurs and coders and developers with all different skill sets and backgrounds and making them available to one and other. Imagine being part of this type of environment, or better yet, the companies that will be formed off of these types of connections?
For all the coders and developers in the world, I wanted to know Dominic’s best piece of advice he would give them. His responses is as follows.
Q: If you could give one piece of advice to coders and developers what would it be?
A: It doesn’t make you a bad person because you want more for yourself. Go all in
on YOU and don’t settle for anything less than your dreams.
Nothing should hold you back from finding a co-founder and becoming a successful coder or developer.
With eMINDSCLUB there are no limitations on your success, it’s just how far do you want go!