Have you ever wished you knew how to program? Got that perfect app in mind that isn’t available anywhere else? Take a look at these fun ways to break open the programming arena.
This website gets you going right at the start. Their homepage contains the first interactive lesson, which naturally you try out of curiosity. You learn a couple of minor programming details right there and then. And the result is, you’re hooked. There is a great backing community and a Facebook and Twitter following for support, in addition to the option to learn with friends. And to top the lot, its free.
Coursera have such a huge range of free courses to take your pick from, the hardest thing is choosing which. All the courses are genuine university courses with genuine university tutors. While they are serious courses, don’t think they lack in fun! Also, for a small fee, you can get a verified certificate which will be a valuable addition to your CV.
Google Code University
Yes, Google have done it again. Having been such a key player in the development of the Android market, Google are now helping the general public to become developers, which of course will help develop Android further! Clever marketing ploy. Its free, you don’t need to register, you don’t even need an account with Google to access the Code University. It covers topics suitable for beginners, to help you get the basics, or advanced programmers for those with experience.
Two options here, either choose the free course material which includes information, lectures and exercises, or choose to pay a fee and gain a personal coach who will guide you and provide feedback. Fees vary according to which course you choose. Its probably a good idea to have a look at the free material first and see if it suits you before committing to the paid version.
The Code Player
For a different approach to learning, try The Code Player. Surprisingly simple website although the graphics are (understandably) fantastic. Ultimately the website hosts a series of video walkthroughs showing the how-to’s of great programming techniques. Once you get good, you can create your own walkthrough to add to the site, and earn cash whenever somebody views it.
The number of websites that help you learn programming increases almost daily. The trick is to find one that suits you. You don’t need a superfast computer, or even superfast fibre optic internet. Just a basic internet connection and an internet browser on your computer is all that’s needed to start your programming career.