In today’s world, many employees prefer working remotely. It allows them to change their schedules from fixed to flexible and enjoy their freedom. Since technology does not stand still, modern people can work whenever and wherever they want.
Every year, the number of remote full-time employees increases around the world. However, employers providing opportunities for remote work, often face difficulties. Spreading the corporate culture is the main one. Insufficient levels of engagement, productivity, or reliability are all included in that term.
Whether it’s a professional writing service like Essay Pro with hundreds of remote writers, marketing agency or IT company, an employer has to maintain the team spirit. Their job is to guarantee that the people outside the office will make an equal emotional contribution to it. It’s not a secret that the high revenues and the strong corporate cultures correlate.
So, can you develop a corporate culture if your employees work remotely? And if so, what are the most effective ways to do it?
Why is corporate culture so important?
Corporate culture is a model of behavior within an organization. It’s a set system of values, rules, and traditions that are based on the company’s philosophy. It’s a great way to stand out and win a place in the market, achieve success and implement goals. Companies with strong corporate cultures retain the best specialists.
If your company has a lot of remote workers, corporate culture plays a crucial role in business development. It’s more difficult for the remote staff to understand what the boss expects and how they should work. Especially, if you do not provide them with enough information and clear instructions.
How does one effectively spread the corporate culture on remote workers? Let’s find out.
6 Ways to Involve Remote Employees in the Corporate Culture
1. Establishing Proper Communication
Usually, colleagues talk and exchange ideas near the coffee machine or watercooler. The same “meeting places” can be created online in Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom, and so on. There, you can hold video conferences, bringing all employees together. Delegate time to discussing the current tasks and possible problems.
During meetings, pay special attention to discussion and promotion of corporate culture. This gives employees a sense of being a part of something important. It will strengthen their faith in the company’s values and principles. Besides, management can publish some official information to keep employees in the loop.As a leader, you need to make sure your message is always loud and clear. If you want to take your communication to the next level, consider hiring a public speaking coach online.
2. Scheduling Face-Time
It’s important to organize corporate events and holidays to meet in person. Most companies do that at least several times a year. This way, remote employees won’t feel disconnected from the team. Such meetings will help them increase motivation and productivity. It’s a great way to give a boost to spreading corporate culture among remote employees.
3. Creating Informal Chats
One can try creating informal corporate chats and organizing creative brainstorming sessions. With the help of apps and services, you can arrange informal communication easily and effectively.
For example, Slack is a popular messenger. Apart from a general chat, you can create several additional ones. People will have a place to talk, share their hobbies and other topics that are usually discussed during the workday. Here, you can get to know each other, thank the colleagues, and read what other employees have written.
4. Collecting Feedback Regularly and Making Adjustments
An effective way to improve corporate culture is to have personal conversations with employees. You can ask each team member these 5 questions to reveal any problems or get interesting suggestions:
- Are you satisfied with your work at the company?
- What’s troubling you in the company and working process?
- How do you think we could improve your work?
- What would you like to achieve in the company in a year?
- How can management help you achieve your goals?
5. Using Visual Content
It’s can be difficult to create and maintain a culture only through the written instructions. That’s why you can try using some visual content to inspire your staff. Besides, it’s useful to record conferences for future employees. Video can become a way to reinforce basic concepts such as vision and mission.
6. Maintaining A Real Sense of Team Spirit
Ambitious goals, core values, trust and respect shape the company’s culture. Each employee should know that they make a significant contribution to the team’s success and the company’s prosperity. You can ensure this by:
- Sharing the vision of the company’s future.
- Keeping the team up-to-date on how things are going in the company. People want to know what is happening in all departments, and what their contribution to the overall picture is.
- Involving your entire team in important events and projects.
- Sending meaningful gifts for birthdays and special occasions.
Corporate culture fosters teamwork and increases productivity. Employees who understand the rules of the game (the company’s guidelines) and have access to the necessary information strengthen the corporate culture and make the working process more productive. The implementation procedure can sometimes be challenging but the result you get definitely worth all the efforts.