Do you and your partner have a separate cell phone plan? Has your kid started using a mobile phone this year? If this is the case then you should be checking various options for prepaid, contract or family plans.
There are 3 types of cell phone plans-pay as you go, prepaid, and post paid. With the pay as you go cell phones you buy minutes that will be drawn when you use your phone. The prepaid phones are the same as post paid ones except that you do not make any commitment and you pay for using the phone in advance.
Each person has his or her own reason to go with a certain plan. If you are confused to choose one read the below to select one that suits you.
Pay As you Go
If you want a phone just for making calls in emergencies then go with the pay as you go plan. You can buy top up cards and recharge your phone with talk time minutes, which will be deducted whenever you make a call. You can either pay per minute or go for unlimited access for the day. You need to be attentive about the prepaid cards expiry date. High value cards last for a long time usually 6 months or a year, low value cards expire in a fortnight or a month and if you do not use the minutes within that time the value will be gone.
Prepaid Plans
For those who do not like to be bound by a contract or worried that your teen will exceed the monthly plan then go for prepaid plan. There are different prepaid plans, in these you pay a certain amount in advance for a number of minutes. Though there are not many phones with prepaid plans, you can get it for iPhone, HTC etc. In case you are planning to buy the cell phone for your teen and want it with parental controls, you need to purchase it as it will not be available for prepaid phones. In addition, you need to consider whether there is network coverage for your prepaid phones in the area you live and work.
Family Plans
If you have a thing for smart phones, then go for a post paid family plan as you will get good smart phones with family plans. Also these plans have many benefits, they come with the carrier based parental controls, tracking location etc. With the family plan parents can even exert control over their teens by filtering the content, texting and talk caps and time restrictions etc.
These are some of the phone plans for you. Choose the best one that caters your needs. Find more tips at Technology blogs from Blog directory.