If you take interest in cryptocurrencies you must have heard or read several online posts highlighting the increasing popularity of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and cryptocurrencies. Various posts might even have claimed that cryptocurrencies have a bright future ahead. However, these statements are made after taking into account only the investment factor related to the existing blockchain based cryptocurrencies, to know more about blockchain check at btsr.io which is blog about blockchain. None of the statement takes into account the usability factor. In fact, if you happen to ask individuals who deal in cryptocurrencies about their usability, they will simply reply you that they buy cryptocurrency for investment purposes and not with the intention of utilizing the same in their daily financial transactions.
Hence, blockchain based cryptocurrencies may have a bright future but the associated shine is short-lived only as for a cryptocurrency to be successful, it has to be high on the usability factor as well. Moreover, the current blockchain based cryptocurrencies are facing two fundamental issues of increasing transaction costs as well as elevating transaction confirmation times. Developers associated with the blockchain are struggling hard to solve these two problems but no working solution has been implemented so far. As an upshot of this, the popularity of blockchain based cryptocurrencies is, in fact, decreasing as more number of users are simply buying cryptocurrencies with a hope that their price might increase in future and they could sell the same thereafter to reap good profits.
Nils Grossberg, the co-founder and the current member of the board of directors of Dagcoin, a software company established in May 2017, erected the organization with a sole aim of developing a cryptocurrency which, apart from being high on value, is high on usability as well.
With Nils Grossberg’s vision in mind, the software company developed Dagcoin cryptocurrency and the entire system of Dagpay, DagWallet, Merchant Finder and SwipeX around it.
Dagcoin, instead of being based on the blockchain, is based on Directed Acyclic Graph or DAG-chain. Dagcoin has completely solved the two primary issues, as mentioned above, being faced by blockchain based cryptocurrencies. First, a transaction is confirmed in DAG-chain by the transaction prior to it and hence, there is no role of external miners in the same, and the entire confirmation process requires drastically low power as compared to blockchain based cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin. As a result of this, the transaction performed with Dagcoin cryptocurrency gets confirmed in a few minutes, thereby decreasing the associated transaction cost as well. Moreover, with the advent of DAG-chain, the issue of scalability gets completely resolved as with more number of users the performance of DAG-chain will get even better.
From this, it can be effortlessly concluded that Dagcoin is way better than blockchain based cryptocurrencies and since it has been developed with Nils Grossberg’s objective of creating a usable cryptocurrency in mind, the entire process of utilizing the same is kept extremely secure as well as exceedingly simple. As of now, Dagcoin has more than 100 000 users and the figure is increasing each day. Merchants are looking forward to adopting Dagpay and keep Dagcoin as an alternative mode of payment. Well, it is understandable from this that Dagcoin, indeed, has a better future ahead than blockchain based cryptocurrencies.