Are you on a quest to find the [*******best car speakers********] ?
With so many car speakers models ,brands, sizes ,it’s natural to feel a bit overwhelmed. Making the wrong decision could cost you money,time,and could even put your sound system at risk.So before you embark on your quest for the best car speakers that fits your needs,there are some things you need to know and take into consideration first.
If you keep the following points in mind , you’ll be able to pick out a good set of speakers that will make a day and night difference in terms of sound quality you experience inside your vehicle.
Sensitivity : It refers to how efficiently a car speaker can convert power applied to it to sound.the higher the better.However , if you have a low powered system, like ordinary sound systems, speakers with high sensitivity ratings will make the perfect match.If you have a high power system, with powerful headunit, or an external amplifier, then consider speakers with lower sensitivity ratings.Bear in mind that if your speakers are properly powered,they’ll be able to provide excellent sound quality.
Power-handling : It refers to the amount of power a set of speakers can handle.If your vehice is equipped with a low powered system, your speakers don’t need to be able to handle huge amounts of power.On the other hand , a sound system powered with a good external amplifier will require speakers that can handle close to the output of the amp.Remember to always look at the maximum RMS (ROOT MEAN SQUARE) , which meaures the amount of power a speaker can handle on a continous basis , and not just for short period of time (Peak Power).
What type of speakers do you need ? Coaxials or Components ?
Car speakers come in two different types , full-range speakers, also called coaxial and component speakers.Both of these come with its pros and cons.We’re not going into debate about which of them is better.However we’d like to point out that coaxial speakers are your best choice if you’re looking to replace factory speakers with a minimum efforts.They can be mounted easily into factory speaker enclosures.In most cases it’s just a matter of uprooting the old speakers and swapping them with the new ones.
Component speakers on the other hand are designed to give the best possible sound.they’re also called separate because of they separate woofers, tweeters ,and external crossovers .
With all these components separated from each other;you’ll experience greater depth and more realistic sound.Component speakers tend to be more durable because they’re usually build with high quality materials that doesn’t fall apart over time.They’re also a bit pricey than coaxials.
If you’re looking for more information,check out our website @ [******* ********]