Businesses need to meticulously keep track of both employee time sheets and business related expenses. When these are done incorrectly, the business can lose money and have errors in their employees paychecks. This expense and time tracking can take an unnecessarily long time, which is frustrating to those charged with this duty. The Time Management for Microsoft Dynamics NAV can solve both of these exasperating problems. Most businesses use time sheets that indicate the number of hours worked for each employee. This time sheet also reveals rate-of-pay and any overtime accumulated. There is a better way to ensure proper employee time posting and reduce errors dramatically.
By using an NAV computerized system, the expenses and all the time sheets can be gathered and sent to the system. Employers can input various rules so if an employee tries to input something not allowed, the system will instantly catch it. Everything can be combined onto one interface that is user-friendly. Employers can also easily create workflow processes like multi-level types of approval for business work. An asset in companies where employees have to get approval from maybe several higher ups before moving on to the next work duty. This type of system can additionally manage time-off requests.
A high-tech system like this allows employees to generate high-quality reports due to a preset input of specific variables like time, cost, type of project and other data involving process compliance. With a Journyx app, time and expenses can be shared on multiple devices, and project resources can be easily managed. Such a system can be ideal in billing and payroll departments. This can simplify and organize projects, and even assist employees perform their complex jobs faster and conveniently. Some of these data systems enable scheduling as well. Having less errors, faster workflow and increased organization in one spot saves time, energy and money.
Customer service departments should be highly efficient or customers may not do business there again. Technological computer advances make this department run seamlessly. There can be better response time, resource information stored and shared swiftly, order tracking, payments and many other useful features. Companies can create customized solutions, integrity increases and something is able to be added or deleted with little time or fuss. Obviously, it makes sense for businesses to add tools that make the business cogs all run smoothly in less time.