Using mobile phones with care:

Get the mobile phones for better communication with relatives and businessmen but don’t forget to see the impact of this technology on your health such as infections and disorders.

Nowadays, the use of mobile phones is increasing in the world. It is said that millions of users are present in this world using mobile phone constantly. What you know about it? Definitely, you will accept the reality because everyone has a cell phone in his hand. With the passage of time, the use of this modern device is increasing in the world. For this communication device there are some other technologies being used. For example, when someone makes a call radiations are produced. These radiations are responsible to carry the signals of voice to the main tower from where user’s voice is transferred to other area or phone. This process seems very simple but there are many complications present for the scientists.

Recent researches related to phone radiations:

From last many years the scientists are trying to discover the myths of increasing infections and disorders. Recently, many discoveries have been made by the scientists. Actually, phone radiations are prominent agents of many disorders. We are giving some prominent examples in this article for the readers. First of all, short term memory loss should be discussed. It is a main issue for most of the users. In start the problem was not identified but with the passage of time scientists found that mobile radiations are involved there. Radiations have direct impact on the brain health and working. The working capacity of human brain is reduced when it is exposed to continuous radiations. Nowadays, many workers have started research and experimentation to find the role of mobile technology. People using mobile phones are suggested to take care in this important matter because cell phone technology is directly related to human health in many aspects.

Is mobile phone a major cause of cancer?

It is said that mobile phone have potential to cause cancer. Skin cancer is the first attack. In last 10 years the cases of skin cancer have been observed and counted in many countries. In United States of America, most of the users have skin cancer attack. No doubt, the intensity of skin cancer was not so high but it is an alarming situation for the world.  There are lots of examples that can be taken for the study of mobile phone and its impacts on human health.  If you are not convinced then you can see the research experiments done by various scientists on honeybees. You will get the clear idea about relationship of mobile phone technology and health.

Getting rid of this trance:

As a matter of fact, you can use the mobile phones with precautions. It means there are ways to use these communication devices without any tension. In most of the cases the people try to have better communication for the business and corporate purposes. It is a big fact about this technology that no one can stop using mobiles. Cell phones are necessary for the today’s life so there is no way to avoid them but there are ways to use them with care.

Written by Alice from