You can buy the latest cell phones for a low cost with a contract with the service provider. However, you will have to pay a couple of hundreds of dollars as an early termination fee if you want to come out of the contract. It sometimes feels hard, to predict whether you will be able to afford using the phone continuously for a period of a year or two when you sign the contract. After using it for some time and you feel you can no longer afford the phone even before the contract expiry then you can find your way out of the contract without having to pay a early termination fee. Here is how you can do so.
- Make a call to your phone’s service provider and get in touch with the customer care executive. Explain to him your problem and tell him that you want to move out of the contract. This method usually works in case there is a problem with the service or you had some bad experience with the customer service. However, you need to understand that it is the ultimate decision of your service provider whether you can move out of the contract without early termination fee or not.
- Look out for any bill changes or for notification about the changes in your contract. Most of the phone service providers, have a clause in the contract called” Materially Adverse Changes” clause. This clause gives the customers a way out of mobile phone contract when the service provider makes any changes in the contract you signed. If you disagree with the changes in the contract you signed, you can call your service provider and tell the customer care executive that you are using the “Materially Adverse Changes” clause to move out of the contract. The customers usually get 14-day period to contest the changes in the contract.
- If you still cannot find a way to move out of the contract without paying early termination and cannot afford to pay then find somebody to complete your contract. Ask your friends or family members if they are interested in taking your phone and the contract for the remaining period of time. There are many online websites where you can find people who want to buy phone contracts. Notify your phone company that you are transferring your contract to another person to avoid being responsible for any unpaid bills in the future.
This is how you can find your way out of the mobile phone contract without paying any early termination fee. Find more at Buzz2fone.