Twitter may be social networking sensation in the present day, your mom may be Facebook buff and your girlfriend a sensational flicker, how much ever you pretend ignoring it, Social Networking is dangerous than drugs. When you are dealing with something dangerous like the “ social networking addictiveness”, you need to be very careful. Because if you won’t, it can be the end of your social life. Here are some rules that help you prevent making mistakes on the social network and go a long way with your social network.
Mind what you say: social networking sites have a public nature and this is what makes it dangerous about them. You post, tweet, leave a scrap or comment about something on your social networking site and it will remain on the site for the rest of eternity and the other people watch and judge it. It is good to be funny and be considered as sociable by your friends and colleagues, if for example you post something about your office or work, your colleagues might laugh about it, but what if your boss does not it acknowledge it in the same way. Worst case scenario, you could lose your job. Once a man posted his “job sucks” and did not realize that his boss was in his friends list, he was fired when the boss read about it. There are also instances where people have landed in jail, because the law did not find their tweets and posts funny. So, mind what you are saying. It is ok to post about work or national issues or any sensitive matter, but keep it within limits or else you be a violator of freedom of speech and you could be arrested or lose your job for it.
Don’t be take the job of a salesman: Yes, it is obvious that many join the social networking site for getting something in return. However it is wrong to spam others with your affiliate links. It is very irritating to be at the cross hair of a spam attack. Do not force others into your business. If you try to over promote your business to others, it will be considered a spam. It is nothing more like handing your business cards to everyone, even strangers at a conference, it is very frustrating. When you do not want to do this in your real life, why do it on social networking sites?
Politics and Religion: All the countries in the world are, free nations and every citizen has the right to freedom of speech. However, when you join a social networking site leave behind your political and religious views. Stay away from strong political and especially religious views. Each person has a different view in these areas, so it is best for you to remain neutral and professional all the time. If you tweet, scrap or post any abusive things about politics or religion you can even be arrested for violating the freedom of speech.
Consistency is important: Irrespective of whether you a normal person, a social networking buff or a multi-national trying to connect with your customers globally, being consistent is the secret of social networking success. Social networking does consume a lot of time, but if you get bored and do not update your profile with status updates, photos, videos, tweets, your friends, consumers, followers will stop following you as they will get bored of you. Schedule your tweets, scraps, posts and update them regularly. If you do not have the time do it very often there are even tools to help you do it.
Incomplete profile: Even if you do not want to completely fill your profile page or think it is not that important, it is necessary if you want to get success on your social networking site. Your profile will give more information about you and your business and will help you get more number of followers. You have to be genuine on your social networking site and talk about and promote your business by strategies like providing links etc. People will be interested and attracted to you and visit your page only if you have an attractive profile, which would impress them. If you have a blog then compare your home page of the blog and your social networking profile and you will start seeing more value in it. If you have a business running, then post your contact details like address, phone number etc too on your profile. If you use the social networking site for personal use and are worried about strangers misusing your personal info you post on your profile page of your social networking site then change the setting to keep the info private. This way only the friends on your social networking account will be able to view and it and you will stay safe.
Avoid these social networking blunders and have a great time social networking‼