Now you no longer have to wait for a long time on the phone when you need to issue a complaint regarding your credit card. You can now tweet a complaint about your credit card issues and resolve them quickly and in a hassle free manner.
Most of the financial institutions in the US have set up accounts on social networking sites like twitter for providing customer support to their consumers online. Twitter is famous social hub where users can communicate with their company owners easily in just 140 characters.
Thought they are short, these posts are helpful and effective. Customer support is one of the advantages of twitter. Many banking and finance institutes are using the Twitter these days to lower the incoming calls at customer support places and to change the perception of their brand.
It is a win win anyway for the consumers, if a brand does not solve your issue fast you can tweet about it and it will affect the company’s reputation, similarly in case the company solves the consumer’s problem fast, then the customer will tweet about it and that will be a good feedback for the company. This gives the consumer the power they did not possess earlier.
Interacting with the institution
Talks about credit card is everywhere on the internet. All those tweets posted on the twitter is from the unsatisfied card holders. A card holder complained that it takes a lot of time to talk to the credit customer care executives regarding card issues, whereas when he tweeted about his problem on twitter, the twitter team of the card holder’s bank responded quickly. It takes just 30 seconds or so to post the complaint as users have to type only a few characters on twitter and the response comes in quickly, instead of waiting an hour on hold and getting your call transferred to the various departments and repeating the same problem over and over.
For people who use twitter actively, it is similar to IM. In the process of service interaction through twitter, a customer will need a through following up via more secured channel, for this the customer care executive will always stay with the customer throughout the process without any call transfers.
Most of the leading financial institutions has accounts on Facebook and twitter and these financial institutions have their customer support staff who immediately get when a serious complaint surfaces. These teams engage appropriately whenever an issue comes up.
In case you tweet a complaint and the company does not respond appropriately, all you need to do is click your mouse and re-tweet your issue. It consumes just a few minutes for the tweet to go viral on the internet to pick it up fast and it will cost the company millions in controlling the damage and their reputation will be at stake.
Companies can ignore the tweets from consumers at their own risk. If a consumer tweets about an issue, the company works to solve the problem either in a direct way or with their partners.
As this communication is still fresh, also spam and the random chatter is big, the legit inquires sometimes go unheard. So it happens at times that the consumers receive no response in the right time.
Tips for Tweeting effectively
Companies that issue credit cards and financial institutions are slowly adapting to the effective twitter usage, however, the missed tweets are still typical. So if your tweets do not hit the mark for the first time, try re-tweeting. Here are some tricks for tweeting and getting your problems solved.
- Stay to the point on your tweet. Even though you can tweet your complaint in only a few words, it can prove its point so stay focused on the issue about your complaint in the form of tweet.
- Consumers must learn to tag their complaints correctly. Befor your post a complaint search for the twitter accounts that are related. For your complaint in the form of tweet to be noticed quicker and channeled correctly add the “@xxx_help”.
- Consumers should monitor the response to their tweets often. Your job does not end after you tweet a complaint. You will have to monitor the response. If you want your issue to be solved faster, then keep checking your twitter account often. Apps like “Tweet Deck” monitors your twitter account and make your task easier.
- Consumers must not be alarmed in case the company asks you to get the issue offline. Customer support from the company requests the user to follow a specific account for enabling direct messaging. This is done for the privacy protection of the customer’s information.
- Never over share your information. Twitter does not have complete security and so consumers must be alert of identity theft that could happen when private info like banking and personal information is posted on twitter. This can lead to identity theft.
This is how you can solve your credit card problems through twitter and avoid wasting your precious time being kept on hold on the telephone line when you need to simply file a complaint when you have a credit card issue. Also follow these simple tips listed above to tweet your complaint successfully and get your issue resolved in no time.