Cell phone usage and social networking is increasing by the day. It would be a real surprise if people do not use them. The numbers are impressive. But there always comes something bad with the good. With the increase in the number of operations done through internet the number of cyber crimes is increasing too. This is an issue that must concern everybody who use social network and smart phones. If we need to learn how to work with the internet and at the same time also learn how to safeguard the data we use. Internet has become a part and parcel of our life, we access it through our PC’s, smart phones for gaming, watching movies, social networking, mobile banking etc. So, it is important we understand the risk we are exposed to while being online. There are 2 main places we might face the risk, the Social networks and Smart phones.
Social Networks
It is hard to even imagine when somebody tells you they do not own a Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Instagram etc accounts. Everybody from a child to an 80 year old have these accounts. The risk too comes with it. These social networking sites helps us find contacts, share info etc. The access to all this info could turn against us if not careful. So, it is always better to not allow access to personal info to everyone.
- Settings on Social networking sites should be customized.
- Never share personal plans like travelling.
- Do not open suspicious links.
- Never install 3 party apps.
Smart phones
With the availability of Smartphones and the ability to access the internet on these devices life has become easier. Mobile internet is gaining popularity every day and so are the attacks on the gadget too. Users enter login and password info, send business emails, mobile banking etc. There are lots of people who want to know this private info. There are many ways they can infect your Smartphone through malware, virus applications, SMS messages etc. So, how do you stay safe from all these? Here is how.
- Never visit suspicious sites from your phone.
- Use advanced antivirus apps.
- Do not install apps from unknown sources.
- Never save passwords on your phone.
- Keep your phone locked when not in use.
All these tips are for you’re the safety of your info while using the internet. Keep them in mind and browse safely.