Cell phones are useful devices that help us remain in contact with our near and dear, but if they are not used correctly they can be a nuisance to others. The following are cell phone manners that every cell phone user must have.
- You must control your Phone and not vice versa-Remember it is not a good manner to take a call when you have company and in the midst of a serious conversation. It shows the phone call is more important to you than the person you are with. If this is not the impression you want to create then let the call go into voicemail.
- Keep your voice down- Always keep your voice low when you are in the midst of people. You must not disturb others with your phone conversation. Most of the people tend to talk louder on the phone than they normally talk. Remember one thing; it is you who are struggling to hear what the caller is saying not the speaker. So, if you are unable to hear ask the caller to talk a bit louder rather than you shouting and disturbing others around you.
- Maintain courtesy- When you have company never take a call as this could be disturbing. Especially if you are in important meetings or celebrations turn your phone off to avoid interruption of ongoing activities. Maintain courtesy, it is what is expected of every cell phone user.
- Maintain proper language- This is a very important manner everybody should have. Some cell phone owner users talk freely on the phone and use obscene language and do not consider anything about those surrounding them. People around may try to avoid listening but cannot be ignored completely. They might feel uncomfortable, so mind your language when you are on the phone.
- Do not speak about personal issues in public areas- Always keep your personal matters to yourself when in public. Talking about your personal problems over the phone in public places when people are around you is a bad manner. It can make the others around you uncomfortable and you can be embarrassed of the situation.
- Keep your phone in silent mode-If you cannot totally switch your mobile off and need to keep it on as you’re expecting an important call then turn your phone into silent mode or keep it in vibration. Later when you are free return the calls. When you are free go to a place where you are alone and take the call and keep it brief.
- Do not call in places like theater, library, restaurants’ etc.-Turn your phone off without any exception in place of worship, restaurants, theaters during presentations, business meetings etc. It will disturb others and create a bad impression especially during business meetings and presentations.
- Avoid texting during a class or meeting in the office-It is very important that you pay full attention when you are in class or a business meeting. Texting in such situations distracts others as well as you and you will ultimately miss important and crucial info.
- Never text private info, as it can be sent forward and land in dangerous hands-never send your private information in the form of text messages as this might fall into the wrong hands by mistake or also be forwarded and you never know what could happen if your phone is lost.
- Do not use the cell phone while driving– Studies show people using mobile phone while driving are more prone to road traffic accidents than others. Hands free phone lower the risk but still it is better to pull the car at the side of the road before taking a call.
These are the 10 good cell phone manners everybody needs to have if you use a cell phone.