Why Texting Can Wait – Sobering Statistics on Distracted Driving
Nowadays, cell phones are an intricate part of our daily lives. In fact, more than 90 percent of the American public now carries a cell phone. We use them for work, we use them to stay in touch with our families throughout the day, and we use them to take photos, play games, and find our way from place to place.
While some states have outlawed hands-on cell phone use while driving, many have not, and while we may not know all the facts about distracted driving just yet, we know that it is tremendously dangerous. In fact, recent studies have shown that driving while using a handheld device is just as dangerous as driving while intoxicated – and that is one sobering statistic.
Most of us are familiar with the dangers of driving drunk. We know that doing so can damage not just our own bodies, bank accounts, and lives, but those of others who we may not even know. While, to date, the dangers of distracted driving haven’t received the same degree of attention as those associated with drinking and driving, the potential repercussions of distracted driving are equally as dangerous.
The infographic below summarizes some of the key points and statistics that we do know about distracted driving – and the figures are downright frightening. Before you get behind the wheel and send that text to let your friend know you’re running late, give the infographic a few minutes of your time. It just may save your life – or that of someone you love dearly.