Advertising network is a unique place that was designed to unite those who want to sell their ads and those who are ready to offer free inventory for it. The former ones are called Advertisers and the latter ones are Publishers.

TV or Internet? Or both?

The notion of ad network and its main participants is more relevant when we talk about digital advertising in the Internet. Of course, we have the same roles for traditional advertising on TV or radio, but the difference is that there we can only order a particular time of broadcasting and, sometimes, the position (after or before which ad to be posted). Digital ads are displayed through advertising server, that allows to be more precise in targeting (location, gender, device type etc.), time of displaying and even selecting audience and websites.

Results estimation

TV audience is still enormous, but people mostly burn their time in the Internet and it’s logically advertisers put the efforts in the area of demand. Launching advertising on TV is more expensive and greatest problems here it is really hard to estimate the results. Of course, if your ad broadcast in prime time – you are very likely to have more calls and conversions. But you may not have them either at all or with minimum difference.

Cost of changes

Success of campaigns in digital space is more transparent and if you see something is wrong, or you would like to make changes because your goals or targets are suddenly different now – just make some clicks and the picture will be different.

The ads for TV or radio are very costly by themselves and immediate amendments are impossible on the whole. All corrections are possible, but will take time to negotiate with TV managers, accept all changes and then, finally, perform it. What is more, it may cost extra money.

Issue of location

Globalization is a good thing, no matter how you slice it. If we talk about traditional TV advertisers who want to sell their products in some other countries, it can be certainly said they will face some problems. Internet solves it at once: the Advertiser can be located at New Zealand but easily display ads for his clients in Nebraska. Advertising networks are free for all participants from all over the world.

How do ad networks work?

There is a little peculiarity in their principle of functioning. The Publishers are always aware what their inventory will be of greater popularity and try to sell primary inventory to Advertisers directly. All unused, remnant, inventory is generally sold via networks. However, it is a normal case when networks buy all the inventory from the Publisher.

What is also interesting about ad networks is that they offer different models of payment for the ads. Those who are interested in conversions usually pay for each click on the ad (PPC model), while some companies when they release a new product or service more interested in recognition and awareness, rather than in clicks and they will prefer paying for thousand of impressions (CPM scheme).

What publishers should remember?

Advertising platform  offer many advantages for those who want to monetize his website, however on of the cons is low control on your website. Try to earn money with  ad network. It means that one day you may find ads about medical services or some unacceptable goods or services for you. And one should be very careful about the statistics that you get and that one the networks says.

Have you already tried any advertising networks? What are your impressions?