Italy is a beautiful place for travel. And if you plan on taking some aerial videos and pictures of the country, Italy does offer some exciting places. However, the country has a strict set of laws that govern how drones can be used. And in this post, we look at eight such drone regulations of Italy that you must know about before visiting the place.
If your drone weighs less than 25 kg and has a power less than 15 KW, then you don’t need any special license to fly it in Italy. However, it must only be for personal use and not any commercial purpose. As such, you can fly the drone for racing, leisure, and other purposes. But if you use the drone for any commercial purpose, say capturing an aerial shot of a group of people for money, then you can be caught and punished for it. Commercial drone users need to take a special license. They are also required to display a health certificate and proof of training in order to receive approval for their commercial project.
Places to Fly
There are some restrictions on where you can and cannot fly the drone. In Italy, drones are banned in cities. In fact, a man was fined a whopping $170,000 for using a drone to take photos of the famed Colosseum. In addition, you are also prohibited from flying drones over hospitals, schools, jails, and so on. There are also strict restrictions on flying over national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. And if you do end up doing so, then you might face some serious criminal charges. In addition, if you are planning to shoot videos over Italian beaches, then never use your drone during the bathing season, which runs from June 15th to Sept 15th every year.
Sharing Pictures & Videos
You are free to take photos and videos of unrestricted areas. But as said earlier, this must only be for personal pleasure and not for money. However, what you really need to keep in mind is that Italy has adopted the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) implemented in many European nations. What this basically means is that you can take people’s pictures while they are in public spaces. But if you take their photos when they are in their homes, offices etc., then you must take their permission. Else, you can be made liable for any discomfort they felt.
You can fly the drone up to a maximum height of 70 meters. Anything more than that requires special permission. Commercial pilots can fly the drone to a height of 150 meters. There is also a restriction on how far a drone can be allowed from the user. A personal user is expected to keep the drone at least within 200 meters from them (horizontal distance), while a commercial pilot can stretch the distance up to 500 meters. Check out the drone videos of Italy to see how the pilots have captured aerial shots while abiding by these rules.
Drone users are strongly advised to take liability insurance. This will help you in case there are any financial damages due to your drone and you are liable to pay for it. Typically, a drone insurance of about 750 Euro is suggested. If you are caught without having insurance for the drone, you can face legal issues for not complying with the drone flying regulations.
You can only use the drone during the daytime. Flying a drone in the night is strictly prohibited unless you take special permission for it. But know that chances of getting approved are pretty slim. So, if you were planning on taking some night shots of Italy, it is advised that you have an alternative idea in mind.
People are also restricted from flying drones within 5 kilometers of the airports. So, always have your smartphone ready, check the Google maps, and ensure that the drone does not get anywhere close to 5 kilometers of an airport. Understand that Europe is going through a very sensitive time right now. As such, if the airport security finds your drone in their vicinity, they might not take too kindly to you.
If you are interested in VR or FPV flying, then Italy does allow such activities. However, there is a condition – you should have an extra person nearby who will always have the drone within their sight. In addition, they should also be able to pilot the drone when required.