Where and How to Buy the New iPhone 6
A new generation of Apple devices is now on the market, and with that comes the surge of people who are ready to buy new or upgrade in order to take advantage of the latest and greatest. There are currently dozens of major retail outlets and stores now offering the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus, but where should you buy your device from in order to get the best overall deal? Furthermore, how exactly should you buy the iPhone 6? These are important questions to consider – we already have – and we will give you answers to where you should shop and what you should consider in the following article.
Buy from a Carrier
You can do as many do, and simply buy the iPhone 6 through your carrier. What options do you have?
The first relates to traditional contract solutions. For instance, the base model of the iPhone 6 costs about £540. If you agree to a two-year contract through a major carrier like Vodafone (click here to see their contract options), then you can significantly reduce that full cost and have it prorated throughout the term of your contract. There is a downside in the fact that your monthly payments for service will be higher if you select this method, but not everyone has £500-700 in their bank accounts to spend on a new iPhone.
The second option through a carrier has more to do with the service for your iPhone than the actual device, but you can also buy the phone at full price from a carrier. Some carriers like GiffGaff (see what they have to offer you by clicking here) provide SIM-only contracts, which allow you pay full price for the phone and enjoy a lower monthly payment. The net savings over one or two years can be hundreds of pounds; those who can afford the upfront cost will save even more money at the end of the day.
More SIM only contracts can be found at here.
Go to the Apple Store
If you live in a major metropolitan area, then we highly recommend that you go directly to one of your city’s Apple Stores in order to pick up the new device. Not only will you get the flat rate for the iPhone 6 (no risk of it being marked up in price), but you’ll also be able to access a wealth of knowledge about Apple products from the helpful Genius Bar. When buying literally anywhere else, you won’t have access to the same level of information from those whose sole responsibility it is to understand the device’s functionality. You’ll also be able to pick up any needed accessories from one location, and won’t have to pay for shipping or other charges.
Order from Apple Online
If you don’t live within driving distance of an Apple store, then you can always do the next best thing – order from them online! You’ll be able to peruse a variety of Apple products – including the iPhone 6 – from the privacy of your home and without unnecessary pressure from sales associates. Seeing as how the price is the same for the iPhone 6 online as it is in stores (and shipping is free), you’ll enjoy many of the same advantages when it comes to the purchasing process. Online customer assistance is also available if you have any questions, but the one downside is that you’ll have to wait a few days before the phone is in your hands. You can visit the Apple Store by clicking here.
Buy from a Brick and Mortar Retailer
Without access to an Apple Store in your vicinity, you may feel limited about where you can purchase the new iPhone 6 or 6 Plus. Fortunately for you, there are multiple big-box, technology and general retail stores in your area that carry these phones (you can filter shopping results to local stores here). The luxury of going to one of these locations is in many respects the same as going to the Apple Store; you’ll be able to pick up the device same-day, you won’t have to pay shipping and you’ll be able to also grab any needed accessories while there.
Buy from an Online Retailer
Some online stores that are not directly affiliated with Apple also offer the iPhone 6 (at full price, without contracts). In some select circumstances, you may find “fringe benefits” by shopping here rather than through Apple directly. If there is a select promotion of sorts occurring, you may be able to procure a free case or other type of accessory for the same price as you’d pay for solely the phone through Apple. There can sometimes be issues with backorders at Apple as well, especially when the phone is still a new and hot commodity, so ordering through an online retailer may be a better bet in select circumstances.
You have multiple venues through which to purchase the new iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, as well as two different types of contracts to consider for service. We’re sure that everyone will find a plan and store that’s right for their purchasing needs and service solutions, so be sure to consider them all before making a decision!