It is a matter of convenience to check your voice mail messages from a landline. You do not have to worry even when you leave your hand phone at home or if you’re forbidden to use it at work. It is very fortunate you can check your voice mail messages from your landline. It can be accessed with a special number that your phone carrier provides you with. Here is how you can do it.
The first of all that you need to do is your cell phone carrier needs to be contacted. Ask the operator with whom you speak, whether you can access your cell phone’s voice mail from a landline. You can also ask, if there is any special voice mail number to which you can call to access the voice mail messages from a landline. The number can also be your mobile phone number. Read the user manual of your cell phone and follow the instructions given to enable the feature of voice mail access or check if you need to dial a special number to get the voice mail.
Next dial the number of your voice mail from the land phone from which you want to access all the voice mails. Then press”*” button soon when you hear the voice mail greetings.
After you hear the dial tone and press the “*” then enter the personal identification number or the password with which you can access the voice mail. Once you are done then you need to press “#” key. Then listen to the automatic voice mail instructions and after that press the button for listening to your messages. You have the option for saving, storing or deleting them.
This is how you can listen to your voice mails from your land phone. So the next time you forget your hand phone at home or your boss does not allow you to use your cell phone at work then try this method. Find more blogs at technology blog directory.