Landline phones date back to the 1800s and the rare of digital or VoIP phones has begun just begun over the past decade. Both these phones have their share of advantages and disadvantages  Many consumers prefer land phones in case of an emergency, while the VoIP phones are preferred for the wide variety of features they offer which can be accessed with broadband technology. Here is comparison of both the phones.

voip and mobiles


Reliability is a prime issue that needs to be considered when land phones and digital phones are compared. Landlines are mores reliable when compared to the digital phones. Unless someone unearths or there is a damage to the wire that is buried deep in the ground landline phones never encounter a problem and there will never arise an interruption in the service. However digital phones are not that reliable when compared to land phones. The moment Internet is down, digital phone service also crashes down. These days digital phone providers boast of network reliability of over 95 % but still when it comes to reliability land phones win over the digital phones.


Land phones providers lay way behind in the international calling rates when compared to digital phones. Digital phones offer international calling at lower rates when compared to land phones. Some times long distance calls from land phones cost double the amount than calling from digital phone. Digital phone calling are less expensive and has add ons and also unlimited long distance calling. Land phone providers charge extra for their add ons and high charges for long distance.


Land phones boast they have the same features found on digital phones. Add ons like call waiting, caller id, call diverting, rejection are available on both the types of phones and this depends on the phone provider. However digital phone providers add features constantly and land phones cannot do it. There are also some features like text alerts  pager alerts, voicemail messages to a group of people when you have an incoming call etc only possible for digital phones and land phones cannot duplicate them.

If you love features and believe that there is no way your phone and internet can go down at the same time then digital phones are a good option for you. If you are searching for reliability then there is nothing like land phones. If cost is your concern then digital phones wins big time over land phones, long distance calls are way cheaper with digital phones. So, you can save a lot of money with digital phones. Both the phones can access 911 so the both phones have equal advantage. So, to conclude it is all a matter of personal preference.