Retaining customers has become immensely difficult, due to the fierce competition. The tips business and marketing professionals have used, no longer give desired results.

Many businesses face customer attrition, as they fail to retain those they have attracted. To have loyal customers requires engaging them through education and rewarding systems.

So, what are the ways to educate and reward your customers?

In recent years, more and more businesses have implemented a sales gamification tool to help them achieve various kinds of goals, be it employee engagement and motivation, boosting their performance, or education. Gamification has been used with customers as well.

Here are the ways how sales gamification can help you retain your customers.

Before we start, let’s check what gamification actually is.

What is gamification?

Gamification is the process of using game elements, and implementing them into the workplace environment with the goal of education, motivating, engaging, and improving the performance of employees, but also customers.

Educate your customers

It is important that you educate your customers about your new products and services. Instead of ads and messages, you can create a game every customer can play, and through that game learn about your offers. Here, you can also include the rewarding system to engage your players.

Make sure your games are fun

Nobody will play a boring game. Your games must put your customers into a real-life situation, so they can experience how your product will change their lives.

You can also provide some advice on the best ways to use the product, or which product meets your customers’ needs. Once they enjoy playing the game and clearly see the impact of their possible purchase, they make a decision without giving much thought.

Rewarding your customers

As mentioned earlier, one of the most successful ways to retain customers is through rewards. You can try offering points for every purchase. Once they complete the number of purchases you want them to, grant them a discount or a gift certificate. You can add a reward for each level they complete, and the grand reward saved for the final.

Games must be easy to play

If you want to make gamification successful, you must make the game easy to play and easy to win. If winning the games is too difficult, people will quit playing them. The more chances to receive a reward, the higher their engagement will be.

Use social media and mobile apps

Everybody uses their mobile phones, and have an account on various types of social media. This will not only help you retain your customer and make playing the game a much easier experience, but you can also use it for marketing and attracting new customers.