Saying goodbye to an old friend can be difficult. Sometimes a business owner is a creature of habit. It may take several bad experiences to convince you that part of your operation simply isn’t working in the manner you need it to. This may include the web hosting service provider that you have dealt with for many years. It can be hard to break your habit of dealing with the same provider. However, if the service provider you are currently using is not meeting your personal needs in the manner you desire and deserve, it may well be time for you to part ways with them.
Financial Considerations Should Not Be Your Most Important Criteria
When it comes time to transfer domain name services from one provider to another, you may need professional help. This is not an area in which you can afford to skimp on quality for the sake of saving a few dollars. The truth is that there is no need to let considerations of cost efficiency weigh heavily on your mind in this regard. Most domain name transfers can be achieved at a very low cost. The main criteria for you to keep in mind is that the new host you are signing with is equipped to offer a far better deal than the host you are parting company with.
What Features Should You Expect to See At Your New Domain?
There are a number of features that you should expect to be included in your new web hosting plan. For one, you should definitely expect to see an upgrade in the number – as well as the quality – of the features that are included in your new plan. You should definitely expect to receive state of the art ecommerce features, such as a web store and shopping cart. You may also want to receive new interactive features, such as a link with your Twitter feed or an instant messenger system that connects customers with a live operator. These are features you should expect to receive.
What Qualities Should You Look For in a Web Hosting Service Provider?
If the main reason that you are leaving your current provider is because they refuse to respond to your various questions, concerns, or complaints, then the first thing you should look for in a new provider is 24/7 availability. You should always be able to contact your domain hosting services provider at any and all hours of the day or night. It may be a matter of something as simple as a glitch that puts certain items on display at the wrong price. It may be a major security error that requires immediate attention. Whatever the matter may be, your provider needs to be available.
Make Sure Your Deal Is Properly Customized to Your Personal Needs
The last thing to be sure of before you sign on the dotted line is to make well sure that the deal you are signing with your new service provider has been customized to your needs. This is a major consideration as well as potential deal breaker. If the deal you are signing is not superior to your old deal, keep negotiating until you make it so.