Your computer needs to be safe to protect the vital info you store in it. With some simple precautions you can protect your PC from virus attacks and the resulting outcome. As the saying goes, “Prevention is better that cure”, protect your PC from viruses instead of taking measures after your PC is attacked with viruses. So, when yiu browse the internet, be alert and make sure you are protected. Here are 5 way show you computer can be protected from viruses.
Online Security
Download and install quality antivirus software on your PC. Before you download the antivirus software read user reviews. Check for the rating of the software and enquire from your friends and family which software they are using and which is he best one. Once you have done enough research, download the best one and start using it immediately. If the subscription is paid one then keep up to date with it. Make sure you are using the late version of the software.
Stay Updated
Online security is good only if it is up to date. Check regularly whether the new antivirus is downloaded and updated. Usually the updates are automatic, but mostly the products allow users to try the latest one and update it manually. Updates need to be regularly checked for and updated manually. The automatic update option needs to be on.
Regular Scans
Software for online security runs in the in your PC backdrop and performs a check on your computer files. However, it is advisable to always perform regular full computer scans to check for viruses, malware, spyware etc. You can also schedule the scan, in case you are worried you might forget to scan your PC. So when you set the schedule your PC will run a scan automatically when the time comes. So, set a program for complete computer scan every week.
Be Alert
Your computer’s virus infection are due to unsafe website visits or clicking malicious links. When you get an email attachment somebody you do not recognize, delete immediately. Download files from reliable sources only and before you do so, scan it to make sure it is safe to use.
Stay Legal
Unlicensed software and files downloaded illegitimately from some networks contain virus. So, it is wise and safe to always use legal and licensed software only. You also need to be vigilant about sites, that offer programs for an unreal low price, they are hosts to malware.
These are 5 ways to protect your computer form viruses.