Tips for safer use of phone
As the growth in mobile technology are increasing and moving forward frequently, the studies of potential health impacts linked with cell phones are presently very confusing and end at the uncertain. And yet the daily usage of cell phones are making more complicated without the wireless devices.
In some other countries like France and Israel cell phones have been discouraged from the children by putting the warning signs on the handsets.
There are some tips which will help and possibly harm from using cell phone
1. Children and youth below 20 must not use cell or any wireless phones except in emergency.
2. Keep your phones turned off when not in use. When it is on do not carry it in your pockets or closely touching your body. Place the back of the phone where the aerial is, facing away from the body.
3. Text to a certain extent than talk as it uses less power and also not exposes you much. If you need to talk, use your phone on speaker, and keep it far from your head.
4. Pregnant women must keep the cell and wireless phones far from their abdomen. Not only are the devices kept far from pregnant women but also from babies’ children and youngsters.
5. And whenever possible we must make a habit to use a land-line for phone communications. Land lines work without releasing the radiation, and will continue to work even when the power goes.
The tips summarized above are practical and easy to implement, while allowing users to continue to enjoy the benefits of wireless communication.