These days everybody owns a cell phone. It is no surprise when you come across a teenage girl using a cell phone too. These are not just tools for communications but also act as safety devices in emergencies. That is one of the reasons, parents are giving cell phones to their kids. There are many different models of cell phones in the market and to pick one of them could be confusing too. There are many factors, like cost, style, model, usefulness, mobile plans that you might want to consider before purchasing one for your teenage daughter.
Flip Phones
Flip phones are the most economical phones of all. They come cheap and can be bought without a long-term contract with the service provider. These phones are compact and small and they can be carried easily. Texting is easy with these phones, thanks to T9 option; however, browsing is a difficulty.
Slide Phones
These are opposite to the flip phones. They are expensive and come with a long term contract with the service provider, usually, 1 to 3 years. Though these phones are a little costly, they have a stylish slide QWERTY keyboard and is easy for texting. These phones are flip phone’s upgrade but still they make internet browsing hard.
BlackBerry Phones
These phones are great for all the aspects like texting, internet, emailing etc. They are a lot of trendy, sleek and stylish phones to choose from. However these phones serve better for business than pleasure. Thought these phones are costlier than the flip and slide phones, but they are more advanced in terms of technology. Also, they are expensive to maintain unlike flip and slide phones as they need to be connected to a data plan.
iPhones and Android Phones
iPhones and Android phones are the most hot and trendy phones these days and the technologically they are the most advanced. There is nothing, that you cannot do with these phones, texting, emailing, browsing the web, reading books, shopping etc. These phones make your life easier with the different tasks that can perform. These phones are quite expensive and so are their associated plans.
These are the different mobile phone options for teenage girls. Now pick one, that caters their needs and suits their style. By buzz2fone find more on other blogs at buzz2fone directory .