In the last few years, the way we think about the TV has changed drastically. With the increasing popularity of online streaming services and the possibility browse online using your TV, we not only get to choose the type of content we watch, but we also can include the TV in more entertainment activities.
Even though the classic television is still in top 10 preferred ways of entertainment, having a Smart TV or a TV Box definitely widens the area of activities we can perform on a TV. For example, now we can install apps like we do on phones and tablets. This way, we can play games on the TV, chat with friends, check our social media status, and even stream music online. Basically, now we can do on a TV all the activities we can do on a phone or tablet, which is absolutely fantastic!
So what type of apps can be installed on a TV? When it comes to apps, the only limitation is the OS and the available memory space, but which are the apps that will truly enhance the TV experience?
Online streaming apps
If you own a Smart TV or a TV Box, the first apps you’ll install are the ones that give you access to your favorite online streaming services. The most popular are Netflix and Hulu, but if you are subscribed to another service, check if they don’t have an app you could install. Even better, most TV Boxes come with such apps pre-installed so you don’t have to worry about this.
You can access these services directly in the browser, but the app version implements a series of features that help you manage the video library and find movies/shows based on genre or category of content.
ESPN for sports passionate
Watching sports shows is a great way to spend your free time and the ESPN app allows you to see what you missed during the week. You also have access to news, scores, and other features that may interest you.
Of course, ESPN remains a great TV category and the best way to watch it is live. Sadly, not all TV providers out there offer you a great deal with your favorite network so you might want to check out the ESPN Gameplan with DIRECTV. This can be a refreshing change, now that you have a Smart TV in the house.
The browser
This app should also be included by default in your OS. Still, if you favor a different browser, don’t be afraid to look it up in the store and install it. Most modern browsers offer the possibility to synchronize the data between devices, as long as you use the same app everywhere. This way, you’ll be able to bookmark something while browsing on the TV and access it later from your phone.
Online games
There are a few really fun games in both Android and Apple Stores and playing them on a bigger screen is going to make a great difference in the quality of entertainment. Even more, you’ll have a huge advantage in front of other players who still run the game on their phone or tablet.
As you can see, we just scratched the surface with these popular categories of apps for TV fans. There are thousands of choices in all app stores and all you have to do is search for those that might please you.