Social networking app must have place in your smart phones. Here are 5 of free social networking app for iOS and Android phones.


  1. Keylium- This is free social networking app for iPhone devices from Keylium company.  This app acts as a personal coach for career which you have right at the reach of your pocket, it helps you grow up in your career. This is a must have app for everyone who is in search of a professional edge. This app uses all the hard work you have put in your social network and combines it with your career choices and makes proper recommendations in helping you progress in your career. Keylium advives users in how to compare themselves professionally with peers, who to follow on social sites like twitter, what events to attend, who should be their mentor, how to balance work and personal life etc. This app provides recommendation every day or once in a week to help you understand what you need to do and how to do your work.
  2. Social Point-  This is a free social networking app for the Android phones from the company This app is for daily social user. It is a social management tool where all the social feeds of the user is brought to a single place with full interaction capabilities. This app integrates the users all social networking sites into one place so that they can check what is happening on their social sites like twitter, facebook etc. it helps save time when posting status on social sites. This app is very safe. So, users can post their status, photos, check new feeds, comment, share, tweet anything on twitter and facebook through this social networking app social point.
  3. FotoApe-This is free social networking app for iPhone devices from the company FotoApeExp. This is a very innovative app where users get a set of 3 weeks. The possibilities of the tasks are endless. Some of these tasks are like, installing energy efficient appliances at home, playing a prank on somebody etc. these tasks are based on the age, sex and interests of the user. These tasks are randomly selected. These tasks are not repeated by your friends in the same week. There is also task of the week which every user of this app has to perform for one complete week. This helps the users  see what their friends are doing. The last of task is the bonus task, which will be unlocked when the task of the week if finished.
  4. Rate My Girlfriend-This is a free app for iPhone and iPad users from the company This app helps you rate your girlfriend. Take a picture of your girlfriend and upload it using this app and let the world vote on how hot your girlfriend is. You will know what your friends and others think about your girlfriend. This app has features like loading pictures of girlfriends, vote on others girlfriends.
  5. My Treat- This is a free social networking app for iPhone users from “free company”. With this app you can make new friends, connect with professionals or have fun by offering people treats. If you do not have anything to offer to other you can request to be treated. This is like offline social networking. The users can use Facebook to use this app and for your safety this app allows users to receive messages only when you approve those you approve off. You can meet only the ones you want so it is very safe. This app really helps users meet people in real life instead of just chatting with the people you are interested in. you can offer to treat the people to a movies, coffee, concert etc. if you are not interested in inviting you can also request others.