As we all know, 2019 is the year of the cloud. In fact, scrap that – for the last few years this has been the case.
Businesses have been tapping into the benefits of cloud systems for some time now, with some venture capital companies, like C5 Capital founded by security expert Andre Pienaar, formed to specifically focus investment on cyber security firms and the cloud.
Since the cloud first came onto the scene there have been a lot of changes. Through today’s article we will take a look at some of these changes – and what you can expect from some trends in 2019.
The annual spend is going just one way
This first trend should not come as a surprise, with cloud spending constantly on the rise. One study has predicted that companies as a whole will be spending almost a quarter more on public cloud spending in 2019 than they did in the previous year.
If we hone in on the public cloud, this is something that doesn’t seem to be slowing down one bit. In fact, it’s growing three times faster than the private cloud – with spending in the latter growing by just 8% in the last year.
It’s not just one cloud
Contrary to popular belief, companies are also going to be tapping into more than one cloud to keep their systems up and running. In fact, the average number of clouds in use is a total of 5!
This split between more reliance on public clouds over private cloud shows where further investment will be focused. Ultimately, a lot realize that placing everything on one system is just not a strategy that is going to work in the current age, with so many software requirements.
Cost optimization is going to be a top priority in 2019
This might seem like an obvious statement to make, but the state of the market at the present time suggests that companies are not getting everything they should be out of their cloud system.
For example, a recent survey estimated that on average companies are wasting 27% of their cloud resources. Not only that, but many of these companies haven’t begun to implement any automated policies that can start to shut down those workloads that are no longer required. It means that a lot of cloud systems are inefficient, which is concerning when one considers that efficiency is meant to be one of the major benefits of using a system such as this.
Companies will become savvier with software licensing
Something else that will happen in 2019 is a bigger emphasis on software licensing. In truth, this is something that a lot of companies are struggling to get their head around, for the simple reason that software licensing can be applied so differently.
For example, some might be charged on a per-user basis. Then, on the other hand, some might be charged on a per-processor basis. It means that it can be very easy for costs to spiral out of control, and a lot of companies are keen to ensure that they are staying on the right side of the regulations to ensure they aren’t met with unexpected costs later down the line.