Normally screams are heard at the Apple store when the doors are opened or there is a new product from the Apple in the stores. But it was a totally different scenario at an Apple store in the Pheasant lane Mall in Nashua N.H. a 44 year old Chinese lady was screaming at the store for being teasers by the police. The crime she committed was buying too many iPhones.
Apple company was heavily criticized after police tasered a chinese woman after she refused to leave the store when she was told that a person is not allowed to but more 2 iPhones. Here is how the story goes.
The chines woman is Xiaojie Li of Newton in Massachusetts she bought 2 iPhone 5s at a Apple store previous week, they have been bought for gifting her China relatives. She returned to the store this week to buy another one and that is when the store sales staff told her that there is a sales limit of only 2 iPhone per person to stop the internet sellers who do so for profit. As she had surpassed the limit they refused to sell her another iPhone and they asked her to leave. When she refused or did not understand when she has been asked to leave, she was dragged from the store by 2 police officers. She is reported to be a poor English speaker and so when she did not understand that she was asked to leave she was tapered by two police officers when she was in prone.
A spokesperson for police said that arrest is made on the basis of criminal trespass and such incidents are common in that place.
Police claimed that Xiaojie Li was carrying $ 16,000 with her when she was arrested. Her fiancée said that Xiaojie Li did not intend to sell the iPhones but they were bought to gift her sister.
Irrespective of Li’s intention to buy the phone, the reaction of people on the social media was universally criticized for the rough handling by the police and the Apple.
This news might not be accepted well in China, a country where manufacturing of the iPhone is done.