You must be late for an important meeting and have to call the office and say you will be there in a couple of minutes, or you are meeting your high school friend after many years and you tell him you will text the details where and when to meet and then the worst thing of your life happens-your phone battery dies. It will be of no use even if your heart skips a beat or you throw temper tantrums on the road side or curse your brain for not reminding you last night to charge your phone. All  goes in vain, but one thing you can surely do to prevent the situation next time is, follow the below tips to save your phone battery.

tips on how to save battery

Tips to save your phone battery

  • For lithium based batteries, it is recommended that you should drain the battery completely and then recharge it to full before unplugging it from the power supply. You must do this once in every month.
  • Lock your phone immediately after you finish making a call or texting. Doing this will save a lot of power than wait till the phone locks automatically.
  • Adjust your screen timeout: Set your screen time out to a smaller amount of time as this saves a lot of power. Long screen timeouts mean that your screen will stay lit for longer after you have stopped using it and so wastage of your phone battery.
  • Avoid the battery exposure to metal: Never let metal objects like keys, coins etc to touch the metal of your battery as this can short circuit the battery and reduce the battery performance.
  • Change your phone notifications: change your phone notifications to short vibrations or smaller ringtones or message tones as longer ones need more power.
  • Close Applications: when you are done using your phone’s applications as they cause unnecessary battery consumption.
  • Avoid exposure to heat: Avoid exposing your phone to heat or sunlight as this can damage the battery performance permanently, especially if the battery is 100% full and exposed to direct sunlight or heat.
  • Avoid low signal areas: If you’re in an area with a low signal, the phone will boost it’s signal power, consuming battery. If possible, avoid these areas.
  • Bluetooth: If you have a wireless headset then turn off the Bluetooth if you are not using it to save power.
  • Use ring mode: Whenever possible for you, set your phone to only ring mode and avoid vibration as it uses more power.


These are a few tips to save your Phone battery, try following them and save the energy!!!