There is nobody without a Facebook account these days and if somebody says so, then it hard to believe. Facebook is one of the popular social networking sites. It is the medium through which people connect with each other, make new friends, meet old ones, chat, and share photos and videos. As more number of people are registering and sharing their personal and professional lives, the security of their account is very important too. A number of reports have been filing that their accounts are being hacked. So, it is very important to operate it safely. Following some rules will ensure your account safety.
How to strengthen your Facebook Security?
You have to ensure the safety of the your account by adding a secondary email id to make sure that even if you lose your primary email id you can at least recover your account with the secondary email. The email id you register has to be a valid one. When you enter the email address you will be sent a verification code to verify it. You can add more than one email id so that you can be located by your friends. You can enter your mobile number and register for mobile Facebook. To access Facebook from your mobile you can sign up for Facebook mobile. You have to choose your country and the carrier of your phone and then you will receive a confirmation code. If this does not work then you can text F to 9232232665.
Security Question
Final step to your security is forming a security question and its answer. A list of questions will be available and you can choose from those and a suitable answer to it. After doing so, simply save and continue to set the question and answer. Once you finish all this process, you can enjoy all the apps and feature of Facebook without much worry about the security issues.
So, once your Facebook security is tight have a happy Facebook time.