A fundraising card is one of the best ways for people, especially students, to raise funds for different organizations and such. At Xtraman Fundraising for High Schools, they offer a lot of suggestions that students and adults alike can use in order to make sure that they are getting the sponsorships that they need to be successful. Here are 10 ways that you can land discounts for your Xtraman Fundraising card.
- Know who you are targeting. Who’s your target audience? When you figure that out, you will be in a better position to know what businesses you should be talking to about sponsoring you in the first place.
- Teach others how to raise funds. If you’re trying to fund raise and people don’t know what is going on with the whole thing, it can be hard to sort it all out. Make sure to train everyone that is going to be asking for funds.
- Offer pre-sales for a discount and let businesses know how well the presales went. Businesses are more likely to allow for discounts if they know that the chance for success is quite high and that they are going to get more business for it.
- Have something written down and rehearsed. You want to sound professional when asking for any sort of fundraising, so make sure that you know what you’re going to say and practice it so that you have it down pat when you go and talk to businesses.
- Put together an appropriate contract for the situation. Always have any sort of agreement written down so that you can refer to it if necessary. Make sure that it has all applicable information for your fundraiser and make sure that it is filled out properly by the business.
- Don’t just contact, make sure to visit. You want to make sure that people are going in there. Don’t just give them a call or an email – go in there and put a face to the person that is asking for their inclusion on the discount card.
- Don’t wait too long to get sponsors. The earlier you start, the better off that it’s going to be for you in the long run. Consider starting as early as possible to make sure that you get in touch with the right people and that you don’t miss out on any opportunities that may come along for you to have.
- Consider direct mailing to local businesses. If you are in a more populated area, it can be hard to hit every business, especially if they are only open during the hours that your students or non-profit may be open. Consider a direct mailing to help prevent missed opportunities.
- Try some cold calls. Just try some calls – it may end up helping you to make some connections that give you a lot of benefits when it comes to fund raising needs.
- Say thank you when it’s over. Send a thank you card to let the businesses know that you appreciate their support.