Samsung Smart phones run Android software and like other leading Smartphones, the iPhone and blackberry it too offers so many features. When you first start using the Samsung Smartphone it feels different from the others. However, the more you use it the more proficient you will become. Start out by exploring your phone’s capabilities by using some of it best features.


  • Status Information

Samsung Smartphones uses status tiles that keep users updated when it is about connecting friends and family. Users can create status tiles by selecting the application of their choice which the phone should update regularly like, Gmail, Instant messaging and other android apps. Then the user can swipe the screen down to see the updates on the screen. All the social networking accounts can be added to social hub so that individual accounts need not be checked.

  • Swype Settings

Swype is a revolutionary typing app on your Samsung Smartphone. It makes users more efficient in typing. Swype allows users to keep their finger in constant contact with the onscreen keyboard as they move from letter to letter, instead of typing each word separately.  So go to the settings in your phone and then the language and keyboard and set your swipe settings to start to use the feature.

  • Write and go

Most of the Smart phones require the users to enter into an application separately to write a note or text or make a calendar note. However, with Samsung smart phone you can just use the write and go tool to write a note or do any other writing task and then insert it in the phone where it needs to be. For example you need to make a calendar date about an upcoming event, use the write and go tool to type the info and then choose where it needs to go. Users can choose more than one location to send the info.

  • Widgets and Folders

Every time you download an app an icon will be form on the screen. To organize your tools, widgets, icons, tap and hold your finger on the blank space. Then you can drag the items to organize the way you want on your screen. If you want to delete an app or a widget, tap and hold the image until a small trash can appears and then you can drag the unwanted item into the trash can.

These are some of the best features of Samsung smart phones that you need to explore. So start exploring and enjoy your Samsung Smart phone.