Android phones are one of the best Smart phones in the tech market. It has all the ingredients that make up for a good smart phone dish. This is why the Android smart phones are the leading phones in the mobile market. Here are 5 things that Android phones have that the other phones lack.
Android phones have a large number of widgets that are useful in our day to day life. We are so dependent on widgets like, to know what the weather I like today, to know the anniversaries and birthdays of family members etc. All of these, the weather, family calendar, your favorite music app all loaded on your Home screen. With a single tap on the home screen icons you can get the thing you want in an instant. One best thing about Android phones is gratification of widgets.
Notification Center
Android phones bag the advantage here. Android phone users can check texts, email, tweets etc in a jiffy by a pull down within any application virtually. With Android you can access directly the frequently used settings, for example, Bluetooth, GPS etc. However, for iPhone you will have to browse and open settings separately, which is a process you find time consuming especially if you are in a hurry.
Automatic App Updates
There are many apps that you download and use every day on your phone. However, after sometime there will be a update available for the app and you will have to again update the app manually. This is not the case with the Android apps, they update automatically. You just get a notification that is all.
Micro USB Charging
Apple iPhone now has lightning charger instead of micro USB. This has some technical benefits when compared to micro USB, but micro USB of Android is still more reliable.
Android has Google maps, which is best for local search, turn-by-turn navigation and transit directions. On the contrary Apple’s maps are of poor quality. They have created a new section in the app store for better map applications for the users. But Google maps, still take the lead.
These are 5 things that Android phones beat other phones at. find more at tech blogs from buzz2fone blog directory.