Do you own a cool Mobile phone? If yes, do not give yourself airs as your mobile phone and you could be a victim of Information and identity theft. In the past money had to be stolen in a physical way, but now with the advancement of technology and use of electronic transactions, with just one wrong step in using technology your hard earned money could disappear from your account and you lose your identity too.
With the dangers of losing money and identity, one needs to have counter defense system for safeguarding your personal information. It takes just seconds for an experienced cyber criminal to steal your money and identity. So, you need to be cautious. Here are some ways to protect your information.
- Know all the details of your phone like its model number, IMEI number, serial number, pin number and other descriptive features. Also take a picture of your phone. You will need all these details in case you lose you lose your phone, you can hand these details to the police for the investigation.
- As soon as you realize your phone is stolen, contact your network provider and ask them to block your phone. They will block your phone across all networks so that no service can be used with another provider.
- Always use a pin or security lock code to keep your phone locked and so when it is stolen, the thief cannot access it without knowing the pin number. Thus your valuable information will be safe.
- Some phones have remote lock. They allow you to lock your cell phone and memory card. If your phone has these options learn about it.
- Use a marker and make a mark on your battery and cell phone. This number could be two numbers like a lucky number or postal code but do not use a pin number or account number.
- Always delete text messages and calendar entries ASAP. If these entries are significant and you do not want to forget them store them on your PC’s hard drive or have a print of it.
- Never save passwords on your handset or stay signed in to your accounts from your mobile.
- Never save your mobile’s browser history be stored for a lengthy period of time. Delete them as soon as possible as thief’s can get some useful info from the browser history.
- When you are in the public, do not reveal your personal data information. Wait for the time when you are in private to reveal such info. If it is urgent and you need to provide the info then look for a secure place where nobody can hear you.
- Register your phone with The National Mobile Property Register, which will make it easier on the police to find your lost phone. Report your mobile phone missing as soon as you realize it is lost or stolen.
- Never open text messages from unknown sources as they might be malicious software that will steal your info as soon as you open them.
- Some devices have the option of encrypting files or software to encrypt files. If your phone has that option use it ti encrypt your valuable info on your mobile.
These are some of the tips to enhance your cell phone security and protect yourself from information theft.
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