Posts tagged Cell phone


Cell phone insurance

why you should not opt for a cell phone insurance.These days it is next to impossible to see people without using their phone even while on the road. With the new technology and innovation of mobile phones, smart phones have become ubiquitous. As the technology and features are advancing so is their price tag. A hug amount of money is paid to the phone carrier. For example, a iPhone or an Android smart phone will cost you only $200 but you will have to pay $600 for it if you commit to a 2 year contract with the carrier.lose it or break it.

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Customize your Plastic Cover Cases

Plastic cover cases decoration.Cell phones need extra protection. As owners of the cell phones we do everything to protect our precious little gadget as much as we can because cell phone are a part of our daily life and we carry them like our shadow wherever we go. In order to offer these gadgets protection we wrap them in cell phone cases. These cell phone cases are made of different types of materials and are available in different shapes and sizes and users can choose the one that fits their style and the model of the cell phone. The cell phone cases are also available in plastic cover cases. However, these cases made of plastic are standard and very basic. They are not unique and personal and do not stand out among the rest. However, you customize these plastic cell phone cases easily and make them look beautiful and create a personal expression according to your whims and fancies.

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What you need to do before your Gadgets are handed Down?

Steps to take before you give away your phone.Millions of people upgrade their gadgets when they become old or a new model releases into the market. The question is what do they do with their old computers, cell phones, tablets etc. Well, the best option for you and the environment is to recycle them or if they are not to worn out to recycle them hand them down to other members of your family. Even if you are handing them down, to some other member of your family, there are some important tasks you need to perform before you do so.

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Get Rid your Land Phone: When to Cut the Cord

When to cut on your landline.A research has revealed that the homes with land phones came down to a percentage of 74. The numbers are dropping with noticeable acceleration and with many reasons for it. These days every member of the family owns a mobile phone, and it much useful, because of its portability. People have started thinking, what is the necessity of two phones and two different payments. For the remaining, they own a mobile, and use VoIP services, so they are finding the land phones are of no use. So, for either of them cutting on the land phones, will save some money. So, if it is on your mind to do the same then consider the things below.

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Requirements for accessing the internet on your computer with a mobile phone

Cell phone tethering.It is very convenient to use your mobile phone to get the computer internet access. You do not have to go through the hassles of finding Ethernet port, pay for Wi-Fi etc. Instead of doing all this use your mobile to get your computer to connect to the internet. This process is called “tethering”, you need to do a few things before you tether your computer.

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Talk on your home phone using a cell phone

how to talk on your home phone with a cell phone connection.With the latest technology of Bluetooth , you can now link your mobile phone to a land phone receiver. There are many models of cordless phones that can be linked to cell phones available, or you buy a Bluetooth router with which you can use your present phone. Based on the system you buy, you can link a number of mobiles to the same land phone.

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