In order to make your business grow, you need a number of methods to use and factors to consider. Financial status, business practices, and economic outlook are some of the most important aspects that shapes your business. All of these are vital to your business, but there is one piece that most companies overlook that can make your growth sustainable, customer relationship.

A repeat customer is a treasure to keep for your business. You cannot buy customer loyalty, but you can surely build a relationship with them that results in loyalty, slowly but surely. There are many aspects that can play out in your customer service support. You need a wide variety of skill and competency to provide an excellent customer experience. Here are some strategies to improve customer relationship.

Listen to Feedback

Look for ways to gather that valuable customer feedback. These feedbacks are some of the most vital information you can put your hands on and use as a basis for business decisions. You can conduct a survey every transaction, send out emails, enclose notes in shipments or put up a suggestion box in your store. Encourage every customer to give feedback on your product and service. This is an important way to know what your customer is actually looking for straight from their mind.

Consistently educate your staff

Even if you have the most amazing product or service in the market, but your employees’ attitude towards your customers are poor then you will not be able to build a good customer relationship. As the person to interact with your client, your employees need to know how to display good customer service. They need to show empathy, good communication skills and adequate product understanding. Your job is to make sure your staff are properly trained and educated in every aspect of customer interaction. First, you need to define what quality customer service is and then delegate them to your workers. Teach them how to go above and beyond their duties from time to time. A tip to make sure your staff are inspired to do this is to make them happy and feel appreciated.

Localize your event

Just because Christmas season makes consumer spend over $1 trillion in US, does not mean you have to focus on only well-known holidays. To build a closer bond and understand your market you need to establish your local relationship first. Celebrate the events celebrated by your local area. For example, if the town your store is located in is celebrating its anniversary then decorate your store that reflects local culture or better yet hold a sale to commemorate the town’s anniversary. Giving a local personal touch to your service, product or physical store will create a sense of belongingness to your business. This will greatly improve your customer relationship.

Personalize your business

Give a personal touch to your business. Embedding a personal touch to your business will humanize your company. Show candid images of you, your employees and people interacting with your business to show that you speak the same language, humanity. Apart from these, make sure that if you get a chance to mingle with your client or customers talk to them in a subtle personal way. Also, make sure your employees take the time to get to know your regular customers. This will create an inviting family vibe in your business. Observe how baristas are trying to be friendly and give a minute of small talks to their regulars.

Follow up on complaints

It is inevitable to receive negative feedback about your business. What you can do to make this a positive experience for you and your client is by giving them follow ups and updates about their complaint. Make sure they know that they are heard, and you are working on solutions that will prevent any inconvenience the same way again. Take customer feedback professionally and constructively.