Best for Business Marketing: Facebook Page or Facebook Group?
Since its conception as a social networking site for college students, and after being even propelled by a motion picture, Facebook is now very much celebrated for its ease of use and the myriad of things users can do to keep in touch with their contacts. Not only that, users can also keep themselves entertained with tons of applications available with Facebook. And arguably, the most entertaining aspect of Facebook is that it allows access to a pool of knowledge and information, ranging from mundane people’s lives and local weather, to celebrity gossips to news across the border. This is an important thing for business owners out there who want to propel their brand or company past their competitors. Social media advertising works wonders, and Facebook is just one of those social networking sites which can bring growth to your company.
Many business owners have utilized Facebook to pool together their fan and consumer base as well as potential clients and customers. With the pages or groups that businesses create, they provide their customers and potential clients an interactive platform where they can engage with effectively at a minimal cost. But what do you exactly use for your business, a Facebook Page or a Facebook Group? We will take a look at these two shortly.
Facebook Pages allow business owners
Facebook Pages allow business owners to give their business their very own Facebook profile for free.These pages provide businesses an identity on Facebook that could strengthen the brand. Moreover, existing clients as well as future customers have the opportunity to become fans or like your page. This is important for you because whatever updates or any online content you post on your page reaches them as followers of your business’ page. You would want to gain the most number of followers who likes your page to get your business across many Facebook users. This happens easily on Facebook because of its viral feature. When a user likes your business’ page, that user’s friends see this activity which often attracts other followers. Facebook Pages also allow users to post pictures and videos. This means you can create catchy visuals of your products and even promotional videos which you can upload for the world to see.
The next tool we will look at is the Facebook Group. These are roughly the same with Facebook Pages except that they cater to a certain group of people and not your particular brand or business. This may be a group of die-hard customers of your products, for instance, who just want to maintain close relationships with each other. It could either be created by them or you as the business owner. Whichever the case, it is important that you are a member of the group and that you become active in steering conversations and interactions. Facebook Groups also allow polling, uploading photos and videos as well as different files, so this sits perfectly well with the rest of practical social media marketing tools. Moreover, Facebook Groups allow you to send messages via the Facebook inbox, thus you are able to communicate with the rest of the members in a more personal way.
Whichever tool you end up using for your business, keep in mind that this is not a sure ticket to propelling yourself to the heights of success. You simply cannot just put up a page one night and expect visitors and fans come flocking in the next day. Avoid making your Page or Group an overblown advertisement. Instead, make it a pool of information and insights about your business, news about your industry, among others.
To provide more business updates to your Facebook Group, or upload more content on your Facebook Page, mobile Facebook applications can allow you to manage your online activity even on the go. It is important that your business phonehave mobile social networking applications. Since users actually decide to connect with your business via Facebook Pages or Groups, marketing messages you send them are anticipated rather than disregarded. You must take advantage of this and regularly update them to maintain an active online presence.
Henry Conrad is a game developer from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Aside from playing online MMORPG and being a tech enthusiast, he loves online shopping especially addicting new games, comics and stuff. Follow him on Twitter and join me in Google +