Posts tagged android


5 reasons to shift to an Android phone from iPhone

Reasons to shift from iPhone to Android.Smart phones, are the craze in the tech market these days, and to top the smart phone market, two phones run the race, striving to win the number one position, the iPhone and the Android phones. The iPhone lovers hate Android and vice versa but they walk on the line fence and admire the advantages of both phones. However, there are some reasons some people will shift from an iPhone to Android. Here are a 5 of them listed.

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Best Phones for teen girls

Phones for teenage girls. These days everybody owns a cell phone. It is no surprise when you come across a teenage girl using a cell phone too. These are not just tools for communications but also act as safety devices in emergencies. That is one of the reasons, parents are giving cell phones to their kids. There are many different models of cell phones in the market and to pick one of them could be confusing too. There are many factors, like cost, style, model, usefulness, mobile plans that you might want to consider before purchasing one for your teenage daughter.

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5 Tips to speed up your Android Device

Speed boost tips for android.Android devices are the latest craze in the tech market. The tech markets are flooded with Android Devices in the recent years. The Android OS provides phones great flexibility, power and options for customizing their gadgets. However, over the time your device is likely to slow down and therefore the gadget becomes sluggish in performance and it gets frustrating to use over time. Here are 5 simple tips for speeding up your Android device.

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Protect your Phone from Viruses

Protecting your phone from viruses. It is the duty of the Smartphone owner to protect their phones from virus. A research shows that only 5% of the people who own a smartphone use protection against virus. Viruses, malware etc make your phone unprotected. It is a twofold process to protect your phone that is one you have to avoid viruses and the other is to download and use a legit antivirus software.

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